Are you a independent business brimming with ideas, yet unsure of where to start? Are you aiming to achieve sustainable growth and seeking a fresh perspective? Perhaps you have a brand-new business concept but lack direction on how to proceed? You've come to the right place!

Leveraging my expertise in planning and operations, I provide a range of services tailored to your needs. From personalised one-on-one support to networking events and both online and in-person training sessions, there's something available for everyone.

Explore what's on offer by checking out my packages below and don't hesitate to get in touch with me via email (sophie@inkandbear.co.uk) or Instagram (@thecreativeincubator).

I provide a complementary, no-obligation 15-minute phone call to see whether we’d be a good match and how I might be able to help you. Book a call here to chat!

Louise Crookenden Johnson Ceramics The Creative Incubator



Are you seeking a fresh perspective on your business? Want to chat through pricing with someone experienced at pricing services? Perhaps you have a new business or launch in mind that you’d like to plan? Or maybe you just need an hour of focused discussion to address a specific challenge you're facing in your business? Whatever your needs, I'm here to provide the support and expertise you're looking for.

From £75 an hour over Zoom



Experience an immersive session exploring your business with my most popular package. Join me for a Creative Incubator session where we collaborate to extract your ideas, thoroughly explore them, and put them into an focused plan that combines structure and process while maintaining a creative and adaptable approach.

Think lots of post it notes, lots of creative thinking and time for you to work on your business, rather than in it.

From £340



This package is designed for businesses who have a lot to discuss - perhaps you have additional staffing needs to discuss, or are a more established business.

Join me for a Creative Incubator session where we collaborate to extract your ideas, thoroughly explore them, and put them into an focused plan that combines structure and process while maintaining a creative and adaptable approach.

From £415

Miazzo Terrazzo Noshina Kiani Creative Incubator



The Intention package is a valuable addition to either the Innovate or Incubate packages mentioned above. It offers the flexibility to be utilised as frequently as desired, allowing you to inject accountability into your plans. Whether you prefer monthly, quarterly, or even biannual sessions, the scheduling is entirely customisable and under your control. These sessions serve as ideal opportunities for accountability check-ins or to address newly emerging ideas that impact your business.

From £65 an hour